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Today pentest challenges don’t boil down to discovering some hype vulnerabilities like XSS, CSRF, SQLl, and RCE in clients’ cybersecurity systems. While pentesters search for them and put effort into finding and demonstrating possible attack vectors, there is one more project member whose role remains unclear to a customer – the cybersecurity analyst. Want to know more? Subscribe to this webinar

Today pentest challenges don’t boil down to discovering some hype vulnerabilities like XSS, CSRF, SQLl, and RCE in clients’ cybersecurity systems. While pentesters search for them and put effort into finding and demonstrating possible attack vectors, there is one more project member whose role remains unclear to a customer – the cybersecurity analyst.

These specialists take a helicopter view of the target system to properly assess existing “holes”. They offer customers a comprehensive picture of penetration testing results combined with an action plan on how to mitigate risks. Moreover, analysts help prove the need for a cybersecurity solution to c-suite and management teams, who are directly involved in cybersecurity processes and budgeting.

In this webinar, we showcase the role of analysts in penetration testing and security assessment projects. You will learn:

  • What is the most mature manner of running such projects
  • How an analyst’s view of a project can be useful to both technical specialists and management representatives
  • What are the differences between pentesters and analysts, and why it’s important to have both on your project
  • Is it possible to manage pentesting and security assessment without an analyst?

The webinar will be conducted by Olga Zinenko, Senior Security Services Expert at Kaspersky. Olga has 10 years’ experience in the information security analytics field, conducting dozens of audits, pentests and security assessments. She is a regular media contributor to publications on a variety of cybersecurity topics.



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