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DataSecurity Plus

With DataSecurity Plus you quickly investigate the complex share and security permissions of files and folders and prevent data leaks. This tool quickly reveals which inherited permissions and rights arise on folders and files.

Real-time monitoring, reporting and alerts of all permissions and other changes to files and folders on the Windows file server provide enhanced protection. In addition, this solution provides detailed analysis of file storage and access attempts. DataSecurity Plus helps improve data security and data management in your Windows file servers, allowing you to meet compliance in a comprehensive yet simple and cost-effective way.

Protect sensitive corporate data with DataSecurity Plus

Why DataSecurity Plus?

+ Good understanding of inherited rights and protection of sensitive data
+ Realtime Windows file server waarschuwingen, auditing en analyse
+ Eenvoudig gevoelige gegevens detecteren en beschermen
+ Easily detect and protect sensitive data
+ File analysis: analyze usage of data sources, files and more
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Access audit and file analysis reports

The Access Audit report provides detailed information about the typical 4-Ws who accessed what, when and from where. This will help you keep track of all permissions and changes. The access analysis report provides a good overview of permissions and changes that can help you detect trends.

The file analysis report helps isolate files that are old, unused, unchanged, large, hidden or non-business and make data cleanup easier. The disk analysis report provides visual insight into disk space usage and trends, optimizing disk space; it also reveals the properties of files and folders.

Delegate roles to different types of users. Limit privileges for users and allow them to perform independent audits of file servers.
File server auditing
  • Audit, monitor and report on file access and modifications.
  • Receive alerts on suspicious behavior.
  • Real-time monitoring and analysis of adjustments in the server environment.
Prevent data breaches
  • Detect, disrupt and respond to leaks of sensitive data
  • Real-time monitoring of data breaches via USB, printers and more.
Data risk assesment 
  • For content inspections from.
  • Discover sensitive data through contextual analysis.
  • Classify sensitive data based on risk.

All the features you need to protect sensitive data

USB data breach protection
Secure and control access to USBs via block lists. Detect and respond to data theft attempts with instant responses.
Email security
Inspect email attachments for protected sensitive content. Warn employees against policy violations and prevent data breaches of your data.
Ransomware response
Proactively detect and stop the spread of ransomware by isolating infected devices in the network with automated threat responses.
Insider threat detection
Monitor all file activity, use of removable devices, data transfers, application usage and more with 24/7 to respond to suspicious behavior.
File copy security
Block the ability to copy files across the network or into shared folders to protect your organization's critical data.
File integrity monitoring
Detect unusual file activity and unwarranted file transfers with real-time monitoring. Activate alerts and scripts in response.
Auto response
Detect and automate immediate responses to ransomware attacks, data removal attempts, file transfer anomalies, and more.
App security
Reduce the risk of malicious applications and ensure that only trusted and vetted applications run by enforcing application control.
Detect and block productivity degrading cloud applications such as social networking, e-commerce and other websites with sensitive content.

Interested in DataSecurity Plus or a free health check?

Our experts are happy to help! Whether implementing ManageEngine's DataSecurity Plus or specific settings.
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